City College, Kolkata

श्रद्धावान लभते ज्ञानम
NAAC Accredited Degree College. Affiliated to University of Calcutta.


Administrative Committees / Anti-Ragging Cell

Bullying in educational institutes in the form of ragging had severe and most unfortunate consequences in many instances. In an attempt to minimize and eradicate this from our institution, we have adapted a very strict and “Zero-Ragging” policy. We have a designated anti-ragging committee comprising of many teachers and student representatives. We follow the guidelines laid down by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, in Civil Appeal No. 887 of 2009, the UGC regulation on curbing the menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009 and the circular issued by the Dept. of Higher Education Department, Govt. of West Bengal on Prohibition of Ragging in the Higher Education Institutions (Circular No. 780-Edn(U)10M-75/2018 dated 14.08.2023). Following the guidelines of these two regulations, we have set up a hot-line (phone no.) for the students and also maintain a database for the same.
Title/Topic View/Download
Govt. Notification on Ragging. Detail
UGC Regulation on Curbing the menace of Ragging in the Higher Educational Institutes, 2009. Detail

Formation Notice:
Title/Topic View/Download
Anti-Ragging Committee Formation Notice, Dt. 12.05.2022. Detail
Anti-Ragging Committee Formation Notice, Dt. 11.01.2020. Detail

Committees Members:
  1. Prof. Siddhartha Dutta, Department of Commerce, Convenor
  2. Dr. Swagata Ghosh, Department of Political Science
  3. Dr. Sujita Ghosh, Department of Botany
  4. Dr. Sharmila Basu Sarkar, Department of Chemistry
  5. Dr. Rita Chanda, Department of Mathematics
  6. Pinku Gupta, SACT of Commerece
  7. Madhuleema Mukherjee, SACT of Commerece
  8. Pompa Shaw, SACT of Philosophy
  9. Sujata Poddar, SACT of History
  10. Kalyan Samajpati, GLI of Physics
  11. Pintu Chowdhury, N.T.S.
  12. Anupam Roychoudhury, N.T.S.
  13. Asit Bhattacharjee, N.T.S.
  14. Rabisankar Nag, N.T.S.
  15. Alki Hazra, S.R.
  16. Sweety Indu, S.R.
  17. Sahil Banerjee, S.R.
  18. Moumita Saha, S.R.
  19. Dr. Madhumita Deb Roy, Department of Sanskrit
  20. Abhuit Dutta, SACT of Phsyiology

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