City College, Kolkata

श्रद्धावान लभते ज्ञानम
NAAC Accredited Degree College. Affiliated to University of Calcutta.

Department of Physiology (Science)

Program & Course Outcome

  • Programme-specific Outcomes:
    Programme specific outcomes of Physiology are designed to ensure that students gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and develop the necessary skills and competencies for their future careers or further studies. Some common program-specific outcomes for the study of physiology are:
    • Understanding of physiological principles: Students should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts in physiology, including cellular physiology, organ systems, and the integration of physiological processes.
    • Knowledge of anatomy and function of human systems: Students should be able to identify and describe the structure and function of the major organs and systems in the human body like cardio-respiratory, neural, renal, endocrine, reproductive, endocrine system etc. with particular emphasis on human, to understand how these separate systems interact to yield integrated physiological responses and maintain internal stability. i.e., homeostasis.
    • Application of physiological concepts: Students should be able to apply physiological knowledge to explain and analyze biological phenomena, disease processes, and responses to various stimuli.
    • Laboratory and research skills: Students should be proficient in conducting laboratory experiments, data collection, and data analysis relevant to physiology. They should understand research methodologies and be able to critically evaluate scientific literature.
    • Concept of instrumentation: To develop the ability to use the principles of the scientific method and haveconcepts of microscopy, separation techniques, principle of spectrometry, principle of ECG, imaging techniques used in modern medical sciences –CT scan, MRI, PET scan, WBGT techniques, principle of sound level meter, digital pH meter, Spectro colorimeter etc.
    • Problem-solving abilities: Students should develop the capacity to analyze and solve physiological problems, both theoretical and practical, using appropriate scientific reasoning and evidence-based approaches.
    • Communication skills: Students should be able to effectively communicate physiological concepts and research findings through oral presentations, written reports, and scientific publications.
    • Integration of interdisciplinary knowledge: Physiology is closely related to other fields of science, such as anatomy, biochemistry, biophysics,pharmacology, and neuroscience, biostat,chronobiology,ergonomics etc . Students should be capable of integrating knowledge from these disciplines to gain a holistic understanding of physiological processes.
    • Ethical considerations: Students should be aware of the ethical issues related to conducting research on human subjects and handling sensitive medical information.
    • Critical thinking and data interpretation: Students should demonstrate the ability to analyze and interpret physiological data critically and draw appropriate conclusions.
    • Lifelong learning: Students should recognize the importance of continuous learning and be motivated to stay updated with the latest advancements in the field of physiology.
  • Course Outcome
    • Semester Course Contents Outcome
      SEM-1 CC1 Cellular basis of physiology and enzyme
      • Upon completion of the course the student should be able to understand the concept and knowledge of cell structure, functions, cellular transport, concept of chromosome, its structure and cell-cycle. The student should also be able to understand the concept of enzyme, its properties, kinetics and functions.
      • Able to use scientific laboratory equipment in order to gather and analyse data on cell biology.
      • Communicate information related to cell biology, chromosome and enzyme system through written, verbal, or multimedia formats, in order to assess current knowledge, answer investigative questions, and explore new questions.
      CC2 Biophysical principles, instrumentation and biochemistry of molecules
      • Upon completion of the course the student should be able to understand biophysical principles like osmosis, diffusion, surface tension & viscosity, pH & buffer, thermodynamic principles, colloid etc., in details and their physiological application as far as human body is concerned.
      • To understand principle of construction, uses, advantages and disadvantages of some instruments of importance in biology such as Microscopes, Spectro- photometer, Photoelectric-colorimeter, pH meter.
      • They should also be able to understand the structure, isomerism, properties, reactions and uses of some major biomolecules like carbohydrate, lipid, protein and nucleic acid.
      • To be able to identify an unknown solution of physiological importance through sequential biochemical tests and to prepare a buffer solution and determination of pH of that using pH meter and buffer capsules.
      SEM-2 CC3 Cell-signaling, nerve and muscle
      • Upon completion of the course the student should have an enhanced knowledge and appreciation of various cell-signalling pathways and understand the EM structure, histology, properties and functions of nerves and muscles of human body.
      • To understand how these separate systems interact to yield integrated physiological responses.
      • To stain and identify fresh tissues like nerves, skeletal muscle, cardiac muscles, and collagen tissue using laboratory equipment.
      CC4 Nervous system and molecular neurobiology
      • On satisfying the requirements of this course, students will have the knowledge and skills to describe the structure of major centres of human brain and explain their role in the maintenance of overall homeostasis.
      • To have an enhanced knowledge and appreciation of molecular structure of various neurotransmitter molecules and their mode of functions.
      • To be able to perform, analyze and report on kymographic experiments and observations in nerve-muscle physiology and to have a first-hand idea of various reflexes of human body.
      SEM-3 CC5 Physiology of Blood and Body-fluids
      • Upon completion of the course the student should be able to understand the concept and knowledge of various blood corpuscles, their formations, physiological functions and disorders related to their malformation or malfunction.
      • To be able to perform various hematological experiments in laboratory using human blood and to analyze and interpret their observations.
      CC6 Cardio-vascular system
      • Upon completion of the course the student should have an enhanced knowledge and appreciation of basic structural and functional features of heart and blood vessels with their regulation through brain-centers.
      • To be able to understand the principle of electrocardiography, the lead system, interpretation of normal ECG in laboratory.
      • To be able to carry out kymographic experiments on perfused heart of toad.
      • To be able to record the blood pressure of human subject using sphygmomanometry and interpret the observations.
      CC7 Respiratory System
      • To be able to understand the structure and function of lung and the normal physiology of respiration and to know various disorders associated with breathing.
      • To understand how cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous system interact to yield integrated physiological responses to challenges such as exercise or ascent to high altitude etc.
      • To be able to perform the pneumographic experiments on human breathing and to carry out lung-function tests.
      SEC-A1 Haematological techniques
      • Upon completion of this course the student be able to gather knowledge on various hematological techniques like blood group identification, blood banking, determination of TC, DC, ESR, Arneth count etc. of human. He /she will be able to learn various disorders related to RBC, WBC and platelets.
      SEM-4 CC8 Digestion and metabolism
      • Upon completion of the course the student should have an enhanced knowledge and appreciation of general anatomy of digestive system, process of digestion of food and metabolism of biomolecules in human.
      • To be able to perform Dale’s mono bath experiments to record the movement of isolated intestine of mammalian system.
      • To be able to quantify amino-nitrogen content using Sorensen’s formol titration method.
      CC9 Molecular biology and Methodologies
      • Upon completion of the course the student should be able to understand the concept and knowledge of the molecular activities of genetic element like replication, transcription, translation and repair and also the biology of cancer.
      • To understand the methodologies of various techniques of molecular biology which includes chromatography, electrophoresis, blotting techniques and centrifugation.
      • To be able to perform colorimetric estimation of various serum parameters in laboratory and to interpret the observations thereafter and to be able to conduct paper-chromatography experiments to identify amino-acid.
      CC10 Nutrition & dietetics
      • Upon completion of the course the student should have an enhanced knowledge and appreciation of dietary sources, biological function, deficiency symptoms of different vitamins and minerals.
      • To be able to understand the principle of formulation of balanced diet for people under various biological conditions and needs.
      • To be able to conduct simple qualitative analysis of some common food staff like milk, rice, pulses, potatoes and flour.
      SEC-B1 Detection of Food additives and xenobiotics
      • Upon completion, the student would have enhanced knowledge on health hazards associated with various food additive and adulterants.
      • To understand the types, sources, reactions and fate of different xenobiotic compound and their de-toxification
      SEM-5 CC11 Special senses
      • Upon completion of the course the student should have an enhanced knowledge of special sense organs and physiology of senses including those of vision, audition, gustation and olfaction.
      • To be able to perform simple experiments on colour vision, visual acuity and hearing. They should also be able to identify permanent histological slides under microscope.
      CC12 Endocrinology
      • Upon completion of the course the student should be able to understand the concept and knowledge of the histological structures of various endocrine gland and to understand the chemical nature, biosynthesis, biological action, regulation of synthesis and disorders associated with those hormones.
      • At the end of the course, the student would be able to identify permanent histological slides under microscope and would be able to stain and identify tissue glycogen via PAS staining.
      DSE-A1 Biostatistics
      • Upon completion of the course the student should have an elaborated knowledge of the basics of biostatistics. The student will also learn to apply the knowledge in planning of experiments on human population.
      • At the end of the course the student will be able to perform statistical analysis and ANOVA on biological data in computer. He/she will also able to graphically express the results of analysis as and when required.
      DSE-B1 Work, exercise and sports physiology
      • Upon completion of the course the student should have an enhanced knowledge of work and exercise physiology. The student should have a clear understanding of assessment of work load, fitness, training and bioenergetics in particular.
      • The student should be able to determine various human body-indices using direct anthropometric data on human subject. The student should also be able to record the variation of cardio-vascular parameters like blood pressure and hear rate in static and dynamic work conditions.
      SEM-6 CC13 Reproductive biology and developmental biology
      • Upon completion of the course the student should have an enhanced knowledge and appreciation of reproductive biology of human, i.e., histology of major sex organs, maturation of sperm and ovum, process of fertilization, and implantation etc.
      • To be able to know the embryonic development of various organ system in details.
      • At the end of the course, the student would be able to identify permanent histological slides under microscope and would be able to stain and identify cell spaces of urinary bladder.
      CC14 Excretory system and environmental pollution & human health
      • Upon completion of the course the student should have an understanding of anatomy, histology and biology of excretion. The student should be able to know the normal process of formation urine and renal clearance tests.
      • At the end of the course, the student should be able to have a clear concept of mechanism of sweat secretion and body temperature regulation.
      • To have a clear understanding of the effects of various environment pollutants including chlorinated hydrocarbons, organophosphorus, organo- carbamate, lead, arsenic, fluorine etc. on human.
      • To be able to identify normal and abnormal constituents of urine using proper biochemical tests in laboratory. The student would also be able to stain histological slides with hematoxylin-eosin stain and be able to identify sections under microscope.
      DSE-A4 Community and public health
      • Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to know the basics of various community health issues. He/she would be able to know the etiology, symptoms and prevention of different public health conditions like PCM, infertility, endemic goiter, xeropthalmia, beriberi, nutritional anemia etc. and many other communicable and non-communicable diseases.
      • The student will be able to calculate many body-indices depending on anthropometric measurements.
      • The student will be able to perform community survey and epidemiological survey on field and will be able to draw inferences from their observations.
      DSE-B3 Chronobiology and stress physiology
      • On completion of the course, the student will have an enhanced knowledge on stress physiology particularly the concept of GAS and effect of chronic stress on various organ-system.
      • The student will be able to understand various aspects of biological rhythm and its influence on major endocrine system and other physiological parameters.
      • The student will also develop knowledge on influence of hypobaric and hyperbaric conditions on human body. He/she will also be able to decrypt the condition of oxidative stress on human body.
      • To be able to conduct community survey to find out the chronotype of human population and assess environmental heat -load and noise-level in the immediate surroundings.

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