City College, Kolkata

श्रद्धावान लभते ज्ञानम
NAAC Accredited Degree College. Affiliated to University of Calcutta.

Department of Zoology (Science)

Program & Course Outcome

  • Programme-Specific Outcomes:
    Since life appeared on Earth, the biological organisms started to roam over the Hydrosphere, Lithosphere and Atmosphere and a new term was coined – the "BIOSPHERE", clubbing the three under one expression. To sightsee the attribution of the biological organisms more precisely, they were classified into five kingdoms and out of which Kingdom Animalia is the most progressive one. The scientific study to apprehend the Kingdom Animalia is basically called as ZOOLOGY. In the program or curricula of Zoological studies at undergraduate level the following outcomes can be commonly interpreted:
    • PSO1 - Students can increase knowledge and can develop skill in the fundamentals of animal sciences to scrutinise the complex interactions among the various animals of different phyla, their distribution and their relationship with the environment.
    • PSO2 – Apply the knowledge of structural complexities of cell to conceptualize the genetic functions in control of various metabolic activities and health of organisms.
    • PSO3 – To correlate the physiological, endocrinological, neurological and biochemical processes of animals and relationship of organ systems.
    • PSO4 – Understands the taxonomic diversification of animals through the course of complex evolutionary processes and behavioural approaches of animals.
    • PSO5 – How to imply the remediation against various modes of Indulgent environmental pollutions to sustain the ecological homoeostasis, biodiversity and conservation of threatened species through different environmental conservation programmes.
    • PSO6 – To identify socio-economic animals and how they are becoming beneficial to humans through knowledge of agro based small scale industries like apiculture, sericulture, lac culture, edible and ornamental fish farming, vermin-compost preparation etc.
    • PSO7 – To identify the impact of various potential risk factors like pollutants, toxins, toxics, pests, parasites, parasitoids, microbes and many other pathogens on the health of biological organisms including humans and to have scalability on the process of recuperation through innate and acquired immune responses against communicable and non-communicable diseases.
    • PSO8 – To generate awareness and commitment amongst students about ethical as well as legal principles towards professional ethics and responsibilities for an overall conservation of communities and environment.
    • PSO9 – Apply the knowledge and understanding of Zoology to one’s own life and work with growing empathy and obvious love towards the animal world for being a green entrepreneur.
  • Course Outcome of Honours & General:
    • CSO1. SEMESTER 1: To understand the taxonomic and anatomic diversity of the acoelomates and pseudocoelomates; Understanding the molecular organization and functioning of gene through Central Dogma.
    • CSO2. SEMESTER 2: To understand the taxonomic and anatomic diversity of the non-chordate coelomates; the ultra-structural organization, function and the process of genetic regulation through signalling coordination amongst various organelles of a cell towards the sustenance of life.
    • CSO3. SEMESTER 3: Understanding the taxonomic and anatomic diversity of the chordate; Physiological controlling and coordination of various animal organ-systems along with the basic and fundamental emphasis on different biochemical pathways; Pragmatic applications and implications of Apiculture and Sericulture to understand entrepreneurship.
    • CSO4. SEMESTER 4: Comparative study on the diversified anatomic structures and functions of various organs of chordates; Understanding various physiological processes of animal system; The cytological and histological organizations and functions of immuo-responsive cells and organs of the body systems; Understanding the process and applications of aquarium fish keeping; To edify the requirements of medical diagnostic tools and techniques to diagnose various clinical diseases for remission.
    • CSO5. SEMESTER 5: Understanding the importance of ecological components and their interactions to sustain the biodiversity and wildlife; Comprehending the principle functions and fine structures of genes; To understand the pathogenic throughput of hetero-specific host-parasite interactions for prophylactic and control measures of diseases caused, by such interactions; To develop an overview on taxonomic, morphological, physiological, sociological and interactive diversities of insects; To study the anatomical and histological architecture of various endocrine and reproductive organs to ideate the synthesis and regulatory interplays of various hormones, secreted from those organs to maintain body homoeostasis.
    • CSO6. SEMESTER 6: To ideate the pre- and post-embryonic processes of development of animals and the possible implications of developmental biology; To trace the adaptive mechanisms and phylogenetic evolutionary processes of biological organisms through the course of geological time scale; To gage the concepts, scopes and implications of animal or more precisely cellular bio-technology; To conceptualize the numerous instinctive and adaptive chrono-biological attributes of the animal world; To gather knowledge about the inputs and outcomes of freshwater and marine fishery and aquaculture practices performed in India.

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