City College, Kolkata

श्रद्धावान लभते ज्ञानम
NAAC Accredited Degree College. Affiliated to University of Calcutta.

Department of English (Arts)

Departmental Activities

  • Seminars/Workshops/Training Courses/Lectures Organized/Others:
    Topic/Title Event Date Report
    Value Added Course on Learning Elementary French, organized by the Department of English & IQAC, City College. 19.02.2024
    Students' Group PPT Presentation, Semester-IV. 11.05.2023 Report
    Students' Seminar, Semester-VI. 10.05.2023 Report
    A Workshop on "Film Improvisation of Amitava Ghosh's The Shadow Lines". 13.04.2023 Report
    A Special Class on "The Historical aspect of the importance of Mongolian Empire in relation to Kubla Khan". 04.04.2023 Report
    A Special Class on "Writing as a career option in the cross-cultural environment today". 27.03.2023 Report
    A Special Lecture on "Library Cataloguing and Research Methodology". 28.11.2022 Report
    A State Level Seminar on "Emerging Tends in Contemporary Literature: 20th Century and beyond". 19.09.2022 Report
  • Field Trips:
    Topic/Title Event Date Report
    Field Trip to "American Center, Kolkata". 11.11.2022 Report
    Field Trip to "American Center, Kolkata". 13.09.2022 Report
  • Interdisciplinary Activities:
    • As the first wave of COVID-19 forced a nationwide lock-down all the educational institutions along with other sectors were taken aback due to the sheer unpreparedness for the circumstances. When sustainability of life became a matter of anxiety, education and cultural activity went much down on the priority list. At such a critical juncture our institution decided to stick to the important values of our nation in whichever way possible. An official YouTube channel was created to transform the cultural and other related activities to the digital platform. Students from various departments including former students performed singing, dancing, recitation etc from their home and sent video recordings. Those recordings were compiled into a single large video and uploaded onto the said YouTube channel on 08 May 2020 in order to celebrate Rabindra Jayanti in online mode. Online inter college Quiz competition 2020: It was observed that the forced isolation during the COVID-19 lock-down situation was slowly destroying the free spirit of the student community. Though we were trying our best to boost their energy level in online classes, a complete substitute for their physical meeting and enjoying the warmth of friendship was not possible. A humble attempt was made in collaboration with Chakdah College and Sree Gopal Banerjee College to increase the involvement and energy level of students by arranging an online quiz on 23 June 2020. Online debate and cross word puzzle competition 2020: It was also observed that not all the students are comfortable in quiz. In order to accommodate students who would prefer some recreational creative activity we had organised an online debate and crossword puzzle competition as well with the same collaboration as mentioned above on 24 June 2020. These two online competitions catered students not only from Kolkata and surroundings but from North and South 24 Parganas, Burdwan, Nadia and Berhampur as well.

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