City College, Kolkata

श्रद्धावान लभते ज्ञानम
NAAC Accredited Degree College. Affiliated to University of Calcutta.

Department of Philosophy (Arts)

Program & Course Outcome

  • Programme-Specific Outcomes:
    Bachelor of Arts programmes in Philosophy (H & G) offered by City College, Kolkata, is outcome - based and expected outcomes are delineated below:
    • Enhancing the domain of knowledge so as to enable the students to carry out qualitative research and pursue academic or professional careers in philosophy and allied field like sociology,law, history, political- science and Sanskrit and language–study.
    • Developing problem analysis skills and knowledge and applying the same in actual situation to solve societal and ethical problems.
    • Encouraging students to focus on sustainable development with an eye to ethics and values.
    • Developing effective logical skills to understand the rationale of an action.
    • Fostering ability to concentrate on life long learning, demonstrating empathetic social concern, contributing to the direct participation for the cause of social justice on various issues.
    • Helping to grow as a competent, committed , conscious , compassionate and thoughtful citizen.
    Expected Course specific outcomes are as follows: CC1/CC3/CC11/CC13/DSEA1(5thsem) and GE1-
    To be able to understand the basic concepts of Orthodox and heterodox systems of Indian philosophy with a critical approach to logical and hermeneutical study.

    CC2/CC4/CC10/CC-12, DSE-B1(SEM5)/(DSEA2-SEM(6)) and GE2-
    To be able to understand the practice and preaching’s of past masters of western thought through exposure to ancient, medieval and modern. Analytical approaches to epistemological and metaphysical problems with a focus on syntax, semantics and praxis.

    To be able to understand the psychological processes of animal and human learning, sociopolitical behaviour of the masses,the problems related to personality disorder and mental aberrations and solutions thereof from psychoanalytic school.

    CC6/CC7/DSE-B2/GE- (6th sem)
    Exposure to alternative approaches to understand the different institutions of society, different religious practices and evil nature of taboos tagged with them, discursive and coercive forces endangering the fabric of societal norms, the generic issues involving class and caste, different methodological problems and the possible solutions there of from Indian and western social thinkers.

    acquisition of logical tools and techniques and application of them in all field of study to recognize the core concept for a better understanding of the man and environment and justification of human actions from legal point of view.

    CC12/CC14/DSE-A1(GE-5)/SEC4/SEC-6 (CC and GE)-
    To be able to understand the Upanishadic and philosophical concept of value, importance of attainment of virtue ethics, respect for ecology, duty or verity of moral order, justification and validation of an action from utilitarian and deontological perspective, to be engaged in analysis of conscience, determination of evil propensities and continuous adherence to categorical imperative and upholding of ethical principles for peace and harmony without fear and prejudice.
  • Course Outcome of Honours & General:
    • B.A. (Honours)
      • Core Course (CC-1) - Indian Philosophy I
      • Core Course (CC-2) - History of Western Philosophy I
      • Core Course (CC-3) - Indian Philosophy II
      • Core Course (CC-4) - History of Western Philosophy II
      • Core Course (CC-5) - Philosophy of Mind
      • Core Course (CC-6) - Social & Political Philosophy
      • Core Course (CC-7) - Philosophy of Religion
      • Skill Enhancement Elective Course (SEC-A) - Logical Reasoning and Application: Indian and Western
      • Core Course (CC-8) - Western Logic I
      • Core Course (CC-9) - Western Logic II
      • Core Course (CC-10) - Epistemology & Metaphysics (Western)
      • Skill Enhancement Elective Course(SEC-B)-
        Emerging Trends of Thought:
        a) Environmental Philosophy
        b) Feminist Philosophy
      • Core Course (CC-11) - Indian Logic and Epistemology I
      • Core Course (CC-12) - Ethics (Indian)
      • Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-A.1) - Philosophy of Language (Indian)
      • Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-B.1) - An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding - D. Hume.
      • Core Course (CC-13) - Indian Logic and Epistemology II
      • Core Course (CC-14) - Ethics (Western)
      • Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-A.2) - Applied ethics
      • Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-B.2) - Contemporary Indian Philosophy (M. K. Gandhi)
    • B.A. (General) [Note: Core Course (CC) / Generic Elective (GE)]
      • CC-1 / GE-1 - Indian Epistemology & Metaphysics
      • CC-2 / GE-2 - Western Epistemology & Metaphysics
      • CC-1 / GE-1) - Western Logic
      • Skill Enhancement Elective Course (SEC-A) - Logical Reasoning & Application
      • Core Course (CC-4) - Philosophy of Mind
      • Skill Enhancement Elective Course (SEC-B) - Man & Environment
      • Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-A) - Ethics: Indian and Western
      • Skill Enhancement Elective Course (SEC-A)_Logical Reasoning & Application
      • Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-B) - Contemporary Indian Thought
      • Skill Enhancement Elective Course (SEC-B) - Man & Environment

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